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Ethik-Zentrum Arbeits- und Forschungsstelle für Ethik

Workshop on Conservatism

Supported by Swiss National Science Foundation and University Research Priority Program for Ethics

Thursday, 6 November 2014 and Friday, 7 November 2014

The workshop brings leading scholars in the field as well as early career researchers together who share the renewed philosophical interest for the “conservative disposition”. Attention will be focused, in particular, on three questions: how does the conservative disposition order core concepts such as liberty, tradition, individualism and progress, and what are the normative implications of this ordering? On what basis, and under what conditions, can status quo biases find a rational justification? Is there a specific kind of “conservative value” and how precisely would it have to be conceptualized (e.g. existence value, antiquity value, particular value)?

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Center for Ethics, Zollikerstrasse 115, 8008 Zürich, Room ZOB E 2

1.30 – 2.00

Arrival & Coffee
2.00 – 2.15 Francis Cheneval (Universität Zürich) Introduction: All Politics Is Conservative
2.15 – 3.45 Emily Robinson (University of Sussex) The Beautiful and the Sublime: Conservatism and the Idea of Time
Vanessa Rampton (University of Zurich) Conservative and Liberal Attitudes to Change: A Russian Case Study
3.45 – 4.00 Coffee Break
4.00 – 5.30 Christoph Michael (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) Oakeshott's Conservatism Revisited
Eno Trimcev (Leuphana University of Luneburg) Sympathetic Dissent: Michael Oakeshott's Contribution to Conservative Philosophy
6.30 – 7.30 Keynote Address (Venue: Universität Zürich Main Building, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich
Room KOL E 21)
Michael Freeden (University of Oxford/University of Nottingham) Is Conservatism the ‘Winning’ Ideology?
8.00 – 11.00 Workshop dinner

Friday, 7 November 2014
ZOB-E-2, Zollikerstrasse 115, 8008 Zürich
9.00 – 10.30 Martin Beckstein (University of Zurich) Bound by Tradition?
Geoffrey Brennan (ANU, Duke University, UNC) Responsive Conservatism
10.30 – 10.45 Coffee Break
10.45 – 12.15 Kieron O'Hara (University of Southampton) Conservatism, Epistemology, Risk and Mind
John Skorupski (University of St. Andrews) The Conservative Critique of Liberalism
12.15 – 1.30 Lunch
1.30 – 3.00 Kevin Mulligan (University of Geneva) Personal Values and Value Actualism
Alan Hamlin (University of Manchester) Conservative Value
3.00 – 3.15 Coffee Break
3.15 – 4.45 Erich Hatala Matthes (Wellesley College) The Conservative Disposition and Restoration in Art and Ecology
Emma Dayer-Tieffenbach (University of Geneva) Irreplaceably Good
4.45 – 5.00 Concluding remarks
5.00 – 5.30 Coffee & Departure

Weiterführende Informationen

Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics

University Research Program for Ethics
