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European health systems face common challenges in the form of finite health resources. Currently there are several national or regional institutions in charge of determining how resources should be spent. In France, Germany and the United Kingdom, for instance, institutions such as HAS, IQWIG and NICE have been entrusted with an appreciation of empirical data regarding the cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The Swiss federal law on health insurance stipulates that all medical benefits and services have to be efficient, adequate and costeffective. The Canton of Zurich started a pilot project in 2008 by entrusting a Medical Board with the task of developing a model for assessing efficiency and cost effectiveness of the therapeutic procedures that are eligible for insurance coverage. The implementation of a permanent institution is currently a matter of debate.
The goal of this workshop is to debate the conceptual, methodological, legal and ethical challenges for national agencies involved in health resource allocation decisions as well as to start identifying essential elements for best practice. It aims to inform the current developments in Switzerland as well as the broader discussion on such issues at the international level, with a focus on European countries.
Participants include representatives from the relevant national institutions from France, Germany, the UK, Sweden, Austria and the Netherlands; key stakeholders such as patients’ organizations, practitioners, the pharmaceutical and insurance industries as well as scholars from the fields of ethics, law, health, economics and medicine. Invited speakers will give a short presentation, followed by discussion and exchange.
Contact person: Dr. Stéphanie Dagron,
Date: 25.-26.10.2010
Venue: Careum C-290, Pestalozzistrasse 3/5, CH-8032 Zürich
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