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Center for Ethics Institute of Social Ethics

Institute of Social Ethics

Team of the ISE 2024

About the Institute of Social Ethics

left to right: Michael Coors (Head of institute), Sarah B. Bach (PhD-candidate UZH CanDoc Grant), Leonie Abstein (PhD-candidate UFSP), Micha Siegrist (Student assistant), Nina Streeck (PhD UFSP), Lea Hümbeli (Teaching and Research Assistant), Lea Chilian (Senior teaching and Research Assistant), Denise Hafen Hauri  (Administrative Assistant), Hadil Lababidi (Lecturer for Islamic Biomedical Ethics), Sebastian Farr (PhD-candidate), Tabea Horvath (Editorial Office Online Lexicon Systematic Theology)
Not in picture: Michael Braunschweig (PhD UFSP), Jana Holeckova (Office Staff)

Founded in 1964, the Institute of Social Ethics is a research center of the University of Zurich devoted to theological, theoretical, and applied ethics, with a focus on religion in the contemporary world. Areas of expertise include political, environmental, medical, and business ethics. With a strong international focus, the Institute aims to bring together ethical reflection and public policy analysis to address matters of domestic and global concern.

The Institute's responsibilieties include:

  • establishing and managing the curriculum in theological and social ethics at the University of Zurich
  • implementing research projects in ethics
  • organizing and hosting conferences and symposia
  • cooperating with other ethics-related institutions in Switzerland and around the world.

Weiterführende Informationen

Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics

Ethics Conference


Caring for the Orphans: Ethical Issues in the Context of Rare Diseases

Call for Papers
Weitere Informationen

Seelsorge bei assistiertem Suizid

Seelsorge bei assistiertem Suizid

More about Seelsorge bei assistiertem Suizid

Ethik, Praktische Theologie und kirchliche Praxis (2022), Michael Coors und Sebastian Farr (Hg.), open access
Information and Download

Gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe und die Kirchen

Gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe und die Kirchen

More about Gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe und die Kirchen

Zum Umgang mit homosexuellen Partnerschaften (2021)
Michael U. Braunschweig, Isabelle Noth, Mathias Tanner (Hg.)